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Writer's picturesuzylouhayes

GO S.L.O.W Health is a Journey not a race!

Updated: Aug 13, 2021

I believe it is possible to eat well on a budget and with the right essentials the possibilities are endless as well as delicious. Sourcing, purchasing, preparing, nutrient dense whole foods can be both financially difficult and time-consuming, but it doesn’t have to be. I would like to share with you some key ways to slowly move your kitchen towards an enclave of nourishment and wellness.

“Look after the roots of the tree, and the fragrant flower and luscious fruits will grow by themselves. Look after the health of the body, and the fragrance of the mind and richness of the spirit will follow." -B.K.S. Iyengar

Go S.L.O.W when sourcing your products

Sourcing the right products is a crucial first step to putting healthy food on your table. As Michael Pollan (2008) quipped in his bestseller, In Defense of Food, “We are what we eat eats too” . This is a great reminder that if what we eat is suffering from being sick fat and toxic, then it’s likely that we also will be sick, fat and toxic as well.

Look for Sustainable & Organic Produce

Sustainably produced foods are not only better for the environment but they are also more nutrient dense. Sustainably and organically produced foods are higher in micronutrients than food that is produced through your standard industrial agriculture where the majority of our food comes from today that you see in supermarkets. Factory farmed animals are fed unnatural diets that make them sick, the same applies to plants that are grown in devitalized soil full of chemicals. Take for example Eggs: hens raised on pasture higher in Vitamin A & E, Beta Carotene and omega 3 fatty acids than those raised in battery cages.

Buying organic may seem daunting and expensive, therefore my tip would be to follow ‘the Dirty Dozen’. This is an annual list of produce with the highest pesticide load and buy organic from these items. For the rest make sure they are properly washed and soaked before cooking.

When it comes to sourcing meat quality is crucial, therefore you should look for meat labeled “grass-fed”. Grass fed is much higher in key nutrients including antioxidants, vitamins as well as never contain growth hormones or antibiotics. It maybe a little more expensive however a good idea is to make sure you use all of the meat for example to make bone broth.

Shop LOCAL at Farmers Markets

Farmers markets are a great place to get in-season, organic fresh produce all year round. A great bonus is that generally the prices are lower than supermarkets. Its no secret that locally-grown food tastes better as they have been allowed to ripen fully. They are also more nutrient dense as it has typically has been picked within the last 24 hours and doesn’t suffer from nutrient degradation from transport and shelf life. It’s also a fun way to make social connections as well as find out where your sustainably produced food is coming from.

Source SEASONAL Produce

Farmers can only grow what the season will support. Ripe fruits and vegetables contain the most nutrients, as the minute they’re picked, their plant cells begin to shrink and their nutrients diminish. Different types of fruit and vegetables are grown at different times of the year. For example strawberries are ready to pick in the summer, along with watermelon and cucumber to keep us hydrated. Nature generally will tell us what our body needs. An extra bonus is that it’s usually the cheapest since it can be found locally and doesn’t have added cost of transport.

A final tip is to grow your own vegetable garden if you have the space and the time or join a community garden, therefore giving access to your very own sustainable food right at home :).

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