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"Envision your life a year from now. What do you want you and your family’s health to look like? Try to think of the very best version of yourself! Yes You CAN Everything is possible.  Now Let’s GO GET IT!"


What is Nutritional Therapy?

Nutritional Therapy aims to heal the body from the inside out through bio-individual approach to nutrition and lifestyle. There is no quick fix or overnight cure.  True healing takes time, It is both a commitment and an investment, resulting in positive, permanent, sustainable health.  You and your family are worth it!


Whether you're dealing with some digestive complaints, sugar cravings, or more significant issues. With nutritional therapy you CAN see almost immediate results if you put in the work, while more chronic issues take time, everything is possible and even more than you imagined!!

Every Road leads back to the gut, whether its hormones, autoimmune conditions, food sensitivities, osteoporosis, psoriasis, skin issues, blood sugar regulation issues you always need to start with correcting the imbalances in your gut in order to heal.

Image by Brooke Lark

1. 8 x 60 minute follow up video sessions


2. Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) Test:
provides valuable insight on gut, thyroid, mood and behaviour issues, heavy metals toxicity and adrenal health from a minerals perspective. This provides a lot of key insight to support the healing journey.


3. Unlimited whatsapp support with 24 hour response time

4. Retake of the Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire to assess your progress.

5. Review of Food and Mood journal to revise any macro or micronutrients to ensure healing progresses with each stage utlising food as medicine


6. Therapeutic, professional-grade supplements at 15% off retail pricing

My Services

Step 1: Initial Assessment:

1. Initial interview questionnaire completed online. In-depth review of your
health history and bio-individual nutrient deficiencies. 

2. 4-day food and mood journal analysis. I review the current diet to assess
macronutrients and key micronutrients and identify patterns and stressors. Review the 
current supplements and or medications.

3. Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire (NAQ). In-depth review of current
symptoms and potential root causes. Provides visual presentation of health and 


4. One 90 minute virtual call together: to clarify your health goals, and listen to all of
your ongoing issues and symptoms. We will define the most suitable plan for you to achieve your health journey.
Plan on how we are going to achieve your goals


Step 2: Nourished and Happy Gut Journey ( 4-6 months )

  • I will create a comprehensive healing protocol and help clients through their journey towards a wellness transformation. I will use nutrient dense food, lifestyle changes, targeted supplementation and functional testing if needed to find your root cause.

1. 8 x 60 minute follow up video sessions


2. Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) Test:
provides valuable insight on gut, thyroid, mood and behaviour issues, heavy metals toxicity and adrenal health from a minerals perspective. This provides a lot of key insight to support the healing journey.


3. Unlimited whatsapp support with 24 hour response time

4. Retake of the Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire to assess your progress.

5. Review of Food and Mood journal to revise any macro or micronutrients to ensure healing progresses with each stage utlising food as medicine


6. Therapeutic, professional-grade supplements at 15% off retail pricing

Optional Functional Testing:


The GI-MAP (Microbial Assay Plus) is unique in the field of comprehensive stool testing. It relies exclusively on quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) technology to detect parasites, bacteria, fungi, and more, by targeting the specific DNA of the organisms tested.


 KBMO FIT Test: The FIT Test is a patented, multi-pathway delayed food sensitivity test. The test uses new technology that measures both IgG and Immune Complexes, the most common food-related pathways in the body.


The FIT Test measures sensitivities to up to 132 different foods and additives spanning all major food groups.


TOTAL INVESTMENT = Email for current pricing

Find out more about any of the above options:

Book a complimentary 20-minute call 

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